⚙️Setting Up Your Decentralized AI-Trading Bot by Tradefi.bot
Step-by-Step Guide to Activating a Trading Bot
Last updated
Step-by-Step Guide to Activating a Trading Bot
Last updated
Connect your wallet to the blockchain of your choice. On the Dashboard, you can view the tokens available in your MetaMask wallet.
Make sure to buy TDFI before using any of our services. TDFI automatically unlocks access to the entire platform and its features. Once you have more than $50 in TDFI, you will gain access to bi-weekly dividends, TradingView indicators, and the VIP community.
Create an LP token by pairing TDFI with the token you wish to activate the trading bot for. For example, if you want a trading bot for BNB, create an LP token of WBNB/TDFI.
Choose the bot you want to activate from the available options.
Add the required liquidity to activate the bot.
Select the amount of liquidity you want to add to the bot.
Once your bot has started working, enter your TradingView username and Telegram username to monitor its performance.
The bot's daily performance updates every 24 hours.
On the dashboard, you can view:
The tokens in your portfolio
The bots you have activated
A summary of each bot’s performance